- Kursgebühr EUR 495
- Steuer inkl. MwSt.
- Tarif Lehrgangsgebühr
- Schulungstag/e Freitag
- Schulungszeit/en 16-18-uhr, 18-20-uhr
- Gesamt-Lehrgangsdauer 1
- Zeiteinheit Tag/e
- Kursintervall wöchentlich
- Berufsbegleitend? Ja
B2B selling is changing and evolving rapidly, and each time it’s becoming more challenging for most companies to find, kloze and grow new business.
Growth and revenue are no longer enough – you need to build a moat around your market position in order to prevent your business being overrun in the future.
Join our Go To Market Strategy Workshop and get hands on support from experienced facilitators to help you out think and out smart your competition.
Our team will walk you through the process of building a killer GTM Stategy that you can take away and implement in your business immediately.
Mehr Informationen
- Gesamt-Stundenanzahl 6
- Förderung Nein
- IHK-Prüfung inkludiert? Unrelevant