83 x angesehen
Money Magic Workshop: Invite Abundance! • WildFemme Biz Coaching


  • Kursgebühr EUR 99
  • Steuer inkl. MwSt.
  • Tarif Lehrgangsgebühr
  • Schulungstag/e Sonntag
  • Gesamt-Lehrgangsdauer 1
  • Zeiteinheit Stunde/n
  • Kursintervall wöchentlich
  • Berufsbegleitend? Ja
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Join us for an immersive evening of embodied finance and masterful mindset to:

• release money blocks from the body, the mind, and your energy field

• to gain insights on who the main driver of your relationship to money has been so far

• change your relationship to money, abundance, and life flow for the better!


It’s often unconscious beliefs and emotions around abundance that hinder your ability to either earn more, or to keep the money you earn.

Do you know your money ceiling, and once you hit it, you tend to bounce back? So many experience the same here. The good news is that this can be changed!

Getting clear around what your unconscious drivers are, what you want instead, and how to establish a healthy relationship to abundance, is often the first step to:

• changing your unconscious patterns into conscious action

• attracting more of what you want

• finding fun ways to create exactly what you need!


☆ What you’ll do in this workshop? ☆

• embodied money exercises to shift unconscious emotions held in the body to healthy, supportive beliefs – NOW

• exercises to hear your unconscious voices, and release what’s blocking you from attracting what you want (often money intersects with relationships here)

• a game-plan how to relate to abundance and money in a way that is beneficial to you, and balances effortless attraction with intentional action


☆ What is this workshop based on? ☆


• Constellation / Embodied Shifts

• Mindset


☆ Workshop Details ☆

Location: Kreuzberg, details to be given after booking

Date: Saturday 13th May, 18:30h – 21:00h

Price: 44€ one person / 80€ for 2 people together

~~~ Book directly here to avoid fees: https://wildfemme.biz/money-magic/


☆ What to Bring ☆

Please bring yourself a journal to write down important answers in a writing exercise, as well as 1 DinA4 page of paper (or 2-3 pages from your journal that you can take out), as well as a pen.


☆ About me ☆

I’m a mindset and spirituality coach, energy healer, and I’m working with Start-Ups. I have seen first hand how changing core beliefs (that often contradict what we want on a conscious level, and therefore cancel „manifestation“ out) can completely shift our energy, and what we attract. All it takes is getting clear on what we want and what the blocks have been so far, as well as releasing unconscious emotions.

Implementing this mindset has lead to huge gains for my 1:1 clients (from people starting to gift them money out of the blue, to receiving a big promotion from the company they were working for), as well as to a great returns for my marketing clients through high-vibrational newsletters and social media content.


☆ Testimonials ☆

„I recently had the pleasure of experiencing Anna’s discovery call, and I must say I was blown away by her level of attention and care. Anna actively listened to my concerns, provided a thorough overview of what I needed, and was honest about what she could help me with. Within minutes of speaking with Anna, I gained clarity on something I had been struggling to understand and articulate. I highly recommend Anna’s services to anyone seeking guidance and support on their personal or professional journey. Thank you, Anna, for your time and powerful insights.“ – Eunice (Pais Agency), PT

„Tolle Arbeit, sehr empfehlenswert! Sowohl der „Magic-Money-Workshop“ als auch das Einzelcoaching bei Anna waren super. Oft hatte ich Aha-Momente, wo ich das Gefühle hatte sowohl mental als auch emotional-spirituell etwas in meinem Bezug zu Geld verstanden zu haben. Annas Herangehensweise zu dem Thema ist achtsam, ganzheitlich und klar formuliert. Ich habe mich sehr aufgehoben und gesehen gefühlt.“ – Mira (Vocal Coach), GER

„Our sessions helped me to take a look at my inner beliefs and wishes around the topic of money and business success. This clarity is very helpful. I liked Anna’s energy and „quick and dirty“ style – she pushed me to come up with concrete, measurable goals, and this way finally move my ass and go into action. My goals are now more realistic and tangible and this is a very energizing feeling. I also learned a lot about how to follow what lights me up and brings momentum, to create a marketing strategy that is aligned with me! Thanks a lot!“ – Julia (Mindfulness & Tarot Coach), GER

Mehr Informationen

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  • Gesamt-Kurse 4 Kurse
  • Vollständige Anschift Hamburg, Deutschland
  • Rückrufnummer 04046667890
  • E-Mail info@drkursera.de
  • Geschäftsführer Klaus Kursera

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Kurs-VZ Onlineverlag (Einzelunternehmen)

Hauptsitz: Waldweg 27 70192 Stuttgart
Berlin: Pfirsichgarten 12 10625 Berlin

Service: Rückruf vereinbaren
E-Mail: coaching@marktplatzapp.de

Anna Schmidt Dr. Thomas Müller Dr. Laura Fischer

